But then I think I shall be free from sin in heaven, and shall be with the Savior.The very coleg menai prospectus exercise of these feelings brings enjoyment.But nothing is more common than for a child to destroy his own peace, and to make his brothers and sisters continually unhappy by indulging in a peevish and irritable spirit.You are little aware how much the happiness of your whole life depends coleg menai prospectus upon your cultivating an affectionate and obliging disposition.If your brother or your sister does any thing which has a tendency to provoke you, restrain your feelings, and speak mildly and softly.This language coleg menai prospectus does me no harm, and can do you no good.He resolved that he would no longer delay.You are little aware of the dangers to which you are coleg menai prospectus continually exposed.He will receive none but the penitent, and the humble, and the grateful, to that pure and peaceful home.Love is the coleg menai prospectus feeling which fills every angel's bosom and it is the feeling which should fill every human heart.I will tell you what.Hence the importance of cultivating a cheerful and coleg menai prospectus obliging disposition.And do you think that child was not happy, as, in the silence of his chamber, he surrendered himself to God? It was undoubtedly the hour of the purest enjoyment he ever had experienced, Angels looked with joy upon that evening scene, and hovered with delight and love around that penitent child.