It was the great interest of the United States, and so continued, though with interruptions, for more than half a century, influencing the thought, the legislation, and the literature of our like for like basis people.And yet the least complaint came from those who suffered most.The captain, with a threatening flourish of his sword, cried out with a like for like basis loud voice, in broken English 'Strike, you damned rascal, or I will put you all to death.But the note of roughness and blackguardism was not always sounded on American ships.If it does not protect its like for like basis vessels against unwarrantable British aggressions it is because the Americans are secretly in league with the British.But England and almost the whole of Western Europe were closed.His three sons all became sailors, taking like for like basis to the water like young ducks., fast by the bowsprit shrouds and other ropes, so that we drifted to leeward but about two miles the hour.But the vessels of that day were mere like for like basis pigmies, and the extent of the trade carried on in them would at this time seem trifling.At Norfolk the entire crew of a British merchantman deserted to an American sloop of war.A good captain, said Merchant Gray, will like for like basis sail with a load of fish to the West Indies, hang up a stocking in the cabin on arriving, put therein hard dollars as he sells fish, and pay out when he buys rum, molasses, and sugar, and hand in the stocking on his return in full of all accounts.
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