Many of the Swedes took the oath of allegiance to the New Netherland government.Still the Council flow injection system was unsatisfied, and retained its suspicions.As to the colonial boundary, the ungracious reply was returned, The English were the first settlers in North America, from Virginia to Newfoundland.A flow injection system French privateer, L'Esperance, which chanced to enter the harbor of New Amsterdam at this time, was also engaged for the service.A municipal government was soon organized, which about the year 1653, gave birth to the city of New Amsterdam.About the flow injection system middle of September, a Swedish ship, the Golden Shark, bound for the Delaware river, under command of Captain Elswyck, entered Sandy Hook and anchored behind Staten Island.This was indeed an inflammatory pamphlet.They seem to have flow injection system visited the Dutch, writes Mr.Mixam, another of these chiefs, replied, I do not know of any plot that is intended by the Dutch governor against the English, my friends.His rule is too grievous for any flow injection system brave Englishman and good Christian to tolerate any longer.Many of these pirates professed to be privateersmen, serving the Commonwealth of England.The New England colonists were by no means satisfied that flow injection system these charges were true.