You have at considerable length set forth that what the Company objects to is, that an employee of the Company should actively take sides on a question on which the community is divided, even 'although he do so only during the hours of the day when he is not supposed to be in the active service of his employer,' and you add that 'no official of our Company, one of whose duties is to solicit and secure traffic for the Company, could take sides on any of these questions at public meetings and lectures without impairing his usefulness to the Company.In this connection you will remember that I informed you that on the occasion first referred to, and that on some, if not all, of the ford fusion prices india previous occasions, Mr.Smith.The complaints made subsequent to my interview with you on the 19th of September have, in our opinion, the appearance of an effort to find a reason to explain the one given by your Assistant Superintendent a reason which we think your Company will find exceedingly difficult to sustain at the bar of public opinion to ford fusion prices india which it must now go.Smith, who desired to absent himself from duty, worked in the latter's place on the afternoon and evening previous to the assault, and that on several occasions he had been left in charge of the station during Mr.Smith ford fusion prices india was regarded as over active as a moot question.It is not customary with this Company to discuss with persons not directly interested the reasons for discharging, punishing, rewarding or otherwise dealing with its men, but you will recollect that in this case an exception was made, and that I offered you every facility, including free transportation over our line, if you would, by visiting localities in which Messrs.The Company is carrying on the business of a railway company, and its ford fusion prices india objects do not extend beyond the promotion of that business.Smith had gone away without giving us notice.Yours ford fusion prices india truly, THOS.I am, however, instructed to say that after a very careful consideration of all the correspondence referred to us, after a thorough investigation of the whole matter, we have come to the conclusion that the paramount reason for Mr.