Xerxes encamps at the pass.The Persians sent off the two hundred galleys with great secrecy, not desiring deep sea research that the Greeks should discover their design of thus intercepting their retreat.The officers and crew, thus escaping to the shore, went through Thessaly into Greece, spreading the tidings every where that the Persians were at hand.Mothers bore their children, men their gold and silver, and sisters aided their sick or feeble brothers to sustain the toil deep sea research and terror of the flight.The galleys soon began to be forced away from their moorings.The Greek galleys immediately hoisted their anchors and fled the Persian galleys manned their oars, and pressed on deep sea research after them.Character of the Spartans.They were, moreover, to be constantly on the alert, to observe every thing, and to send back deep sea research to the fleet all important intelligence which they could obtain.The pass of Thermopyl was not a ravine among mountains, but a narrow space between mountains and the sea.In the mean time, however, Xerxes and his immense hordes came on faster than they had expected, and the news at length came to Leonidas, in the pass, that the Persians, with one or two millions of men, were at hand, while he had only three or four deep sea research thousand at Thermopyl to oppose them.View at Thermopyl.It was a very good place of refuge and rest for the night in calm weather, but deep sea research such a bay afforded very little shelter against a tempestuous wind, or even against the surf and swell of the sea, which were sometimes produced by a distant storm.All this time Xerxes was sitting in his war chariot, in the midst of his advancing army, full of exultation, happiness, and pride at the thoughts of the vast harvest of glory which all this panic and suffering were bringing him in.